May 18, 2020
Dear Archbishop Pierre:
Over the past month, I have been copying you on communications with Boston Bishops regarding a draconian plan obstructing Sacraments to Christ's people in Massachusetts. I am reaching out to you today regarding the situation to urgently request the intervention of the Holy See.
According to public statements by various officials in the Archdiocese of Boston, including Cardinal O'Malley, Fr. Bryan Hehir has been "working closely" with Massachusetts Governor Charles Baker to implement a plan as described in my recently published article in the Federalist.
The Archdiocese of Boston conducted a webinar releasing details of 'the plan' with a timeline of expected return of Sacraments of "two years". A snapshot of that timeline is attached.
In response to 'the plan', I filed a complaint with the Department of Justice against Governor Baker for violations of the First Amendment on April 30, 2020.
Public media sources are now reporting that Governor Baker has conceded violations of the First Amendment and will open places of worship today at 40% capacity, the same as secular activities. A Massachusetts checklist of Mandatory Safety Standards for places of public worship has been published. The safety standards indicate Governor Baker has aborted plans to implement the recommendations of Fr. Hehir and his 'pandemic team'.
Notwithstanding Governor Baker's compliance with the U.S. Constitution, sources in the Archdiocese of Boston report that it is the intention of Cardinal O'Malley to continue to enforce Fr. Hehir's plan into the indefinite future.
As you know, or should know, practicing Massachusetts Catholics had such a long history of being embattled by Fr. Bryan Hehir's unrestrained Harvard-inspired communist ideology and poor theological and ethical judgment, they published an entire blog documenting his spiritual malfeasance. Rev. Hehir is a puppet of George Soros-funded socialist agendas at the Kennedy School of Government. Catholics have been sending documentation to Apostolic Nuncios and the Holy See for over a decade. The failure of the Episcopal See to remove Fr. Hehir from a position where uncatechized government officials are empowered to obstruct the salvation of immortal souls is a source of irreparable mistrust and scandal.
While there is nothing left to do for religious freedom but clorox the pews and comply with reasonable public safety standards that are consistent with Catholic theology (which DO NOT INCLUDE as recommended by the Governor, the possibility of putting the Properties of the Divinity of Christ into 'prepackages" for Catholics), Cardinal O'Malley's "pandemic team" plan includes the following:
1. Continued parish closings into an indefinite future that was described as 'forever' in Cardinal O'Malley's April 20th webinar
2. The creation of 'restricted persons list' including healthy seniors/minorities/handicapped who will be barred from receiving Sacraments
An agreement with government officials to solicit Catholics to conduct health assessments to diagnose fellow parishioners at the doors of our parishes violates HIPAA. There are all kinds of reasons Catholics with non-contagious medical conditions such as cancer, lupus and other inflammatory diseases would have temperature fluctuations.
Archdiocesan officials have yet to disclose what they plan to do with medical information obtained from Catholics forced to undergo an medical exam to obtain the Sacraments through their arrangement made with Massachusetts government officials. It is possible that cancer victims and people with medical conditions unrelated to the flu will be misdiagnosed & reported to the government as suspected cases of the flu and forced to quarantine away from their family. Kindly note, if Cardinal O'Malley moves forward with this disastrous recommendation, the 'pandemic team' and any fellow parishioner who volunteers to implement it will be reported to HHS for prosecution of violations of HIPAA.
U.S. Catholics are well aware of corruption that goes all the way to the top of the Catholic hierarchy. These individuals have sadly been successful in turning over the Catholic Church in China to the communist government for persecution and execution. Catholics in the pews in China were powerless as they were already under the oppression of the communist government. By the grace of God, the prayers of the faithful and the intercession of the communion of saints, the United States of America has elected a President who is empowered to protect religious freedom. American Catholics plan to utilize those powers.
After 50 years of internal corruption in the Catholic Church, we know who the players are and what they are doing. Everything that is done in the darkness will get exposed and we will fight for the salvation of our people tooth and nail. Worthy is the Lamb.
Kindly, and with all due respect, deliver a message to Our Holy Father: A government takeover of Christ's Church will not be that easy here.
On May 18, 2020, the 100th birthday of our great and powerful St. John Paul II, Catholics in the United States of America send him the message that the time for his intervention is upon him, right here in Boston, Massachusetts. The situation in the Archdiocese of Boston is completely out of control. A coadjutor that is spiritually equipped to carry out the mission of Christ's Church should be assigned to Boston to control and remediate this situation to stabilize the see.
In Christ,
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