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Feds Pushed Baker

Came down hard.

Federal justice officials have been pressing states including Massachusetts to reopen houses of worship as the country battles the spread of the coronavirus, Gov. Charlie Baker said Thursday.

Baker said his decision to shutter houses of worship during the state of emergency “was the right thing to do, but I hated doing it.” They have been allowed to restart religious services this week as long as they practice social distancing as part of the first phase of the state’s reopening plan.

Governor Baker didn't "hate" authorizing cross-contaminated cups of coffee getting passed out at any Dunkies enough to stop it.

I'm glad he felt that way, but even as worshipers brought their concerns forward, he had to be legally threatened before he conceded his orders violated the First Amendment.

Something screwball going on.

We have a contagious virus which approximately 7/10 people with healthy immune symptoms overcome without having any symptoms.

If healthy people do show symptoms, over 99% recover. Less than 800 people under the age of 70 have died with caronavirus over the last 6 months in Massachusetts (that is even including people who died of natural causes, who were never tested, people who were already in the active process of dying - etc)

There is no evidence whatsoever that stay at home orders are helpful in this situation, beyond flattening the curve. We will all get this virus. It is a matter of timing.

There is a problem in nursing homes: People making minimum wages as "CNA" - some of whom work in multiple nursing homes are cross contaminating.

Instead of fixing the obvious - the government institutes a program with knuckleheads in the Chancery that requires Catholics to receive Sacraments under their supervision and rules.

We've gone a long way to mitigating their original plans, but the department of public health 'tracing' program stinks to the high heavens.

Every day we walk out the door, we come into contact with hundreds of healthy people who would test positive for COVID.

We would be on house arrest forever if the Department of Public Health required us to quarantine every time we encountered someone with caronavirus.

There are no efforts to 'trace' covid-positive people at Stop and Shop, Home Depot or Dunkin Donuts.

What's the purpose of the hysterics at the Archdiocese of Boston?

I do have concerns the government will watch for anyone who sneezes and will shut down churches again. I suspect they will take another bite of the apple.

My case is still open at the DOJ.   If any stunts are pulled on the parish level, it is very important to send me information so we can get the situation resolved.

From today's reading:

Amen, amen, I say to you,
whatever you ask the Father in my name he will give you.


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