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May 17th - Important Update


I wanted to get some important updates out prior to today's prayer rally.   My grandson's birthday party is today - so I will not be able to attend today's rally, but will be praying with and for you.    

My article in the Federalist has close to 10,000 shares.  Public pressure will play a role in mitigating our problem, so I encourage you to share on any social media accounts.  

I've heard from several large Christian and Jewish communities and attorneys and all have pledged to sue Governor Baker in federal court to seek declaratory relief if there are any impositions upon religious freedom that are not imposed upon secular businesses.    Some pastors will sue separately, some are banding together to file suit and others are contemplating an interfaith suit.    I would estimate over 500 different pastors and synagogues are ready to file suit - and that is only what I am aware of. 

Attorneys for Worcester pastor Chris Casey announced a 'deal' has been reached with Governor Baker.

The details of 'the deal' are not disclosed, but it does appear that Governor Baker has conceded his executive orders violated the constitution, which is a significant development. 

Insidious developments in the Archdiocese of Boston is a gift that keeps on giving  

1. Boston's Vicar General distributed an email to priests confirming Governor Baker's announcement tomorrow will not affect parish closures in the Archdiocese of Boston. He states "It is practically impossible to set a date for when we will be able to re-open for Sunday Masses".   A copy of his email is below.  

The content of Bishop Uglietto's email, along with information from two of Boston bishops and an Op-Ed in the Boston Globe authored by Cardinal O'Malley lead to the reasonable conclusion Cardinal O'Malley is proceeding with the implementation of obstacles and timelines of Rev. Hehir's 'pandemic team' as presented in the April 20th webinar.  

It's important to note there currently is disagreement and internal fracture in the Archdiocese of Boston over Fr. Hehir's bizarre plan on every level.   More disturbing details have emerged.  

  • According to sources, the Archdiocese of Boston is in the process of creating a list of 'restricted persons' which they plan to bar from Sacraments.  Based upon the content of Cardinal O'Malley's OpEd, which names Blacks, Latino's and "Seniors" - speculation is, Cardinal O'Malley's criteria for the list of 'restricted persons' barred from the Sacraments will be based upon the following:
a. Healthy Black and Latino Catholics
b. Healthy Catholics over a yet-to-be-determined age (speculation is age 60)

Having already publicly disclosed these groups, he could not bar one and not the other. 

  • Plans include the possibility fellow parishioners will be assigned to take temperatures at the door of our parishes 
This is, first of all, is medically dangerous in a pandemic.  People who are not properly trained in the science of contagion are one of the main causes of outbreaks in nursing homes and other establishments.  

More importantly, this initiative violates HIPAA.  

Cardinal O'Malley states in his OpEd, that Governor Baker and Mayor Marty Walsh 'made wise choices' and that he 'looks forward to further collaboration'.

Is this part of 'the deal' with Governor Baker?

Here is information on Massachusetts "Tracing Collaborative"

First, if you test positive, we will connect you with the support and resources, you may need through quarantine. Then with your collaboration, the COVID Community Team will identify and reach out via phone and text to anyone you’ve been in contact with to trace and contain the onward spread of the virus. Through this contact tracing, we will be able to better arrange testing, as well as medical and quarantine support for yourself and your loved ones. It is important to note that we will not release your name to anyone. Your information is strictly confidential and will be treated as the private medical record it is.

If your parishioner takes your temperature, will you be forced to quarantine and separate from your children?

Has Cardinal O'Malley agreed to conduct a medical triage for the Commonwealth at the doors of our parishes?  Is this what he means by "collaboration"?

How is it possible that officials in the Archdiocese could believe Black, Latino and Catholics over the age of 60 are so incapable of monitoring their own health and making healthy choices, that they must place an untrained and illegal health care proxy at the door to conduct a quasi-physical?

Healthy people are not given physicals at the door of any other business establishment in the Commonwealth. 

If I have an ear infection, will I be forced to disclose my medical condition to a fellow parishioner obtain the Sacraments?

Once a fellow parishioner makes an untrained medical diagnosis, what do they plan to do with my medical information?

Will your temperature be reported to the CDC as a suspected case of caronavirus?

If Cardinal O'Malley moves forward with this disastrous recommendation, the 'pandemic team' and any fellow parishioner who volunteers to implement it will be reported to HHS for prosecution.

This will be discussed further when details of 'the deal' are made public by the Archdiocese.

The article indicates that the Diocese of Springfield is also awaiting orders of the Governor, so this may change.  

As soon as I can confirm info from other diocese, I will forward that information.  I would encourage you to continue to follow other news stories aggregated on Catholic Religious Freedom blog.

In Christ, Carol McKinley


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