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Second Letter to Apostolic Nuncio & Boston Bishops

-----Original Message-----
To: Apostolic Nuncio
Cc: Boston Bishops

Sent: Wed, May 20, 2020 9:45 am
Subject: Fwd: Yesterdays Boston Archdiocese Carona Conference - One Remaining Concern


Please forward to Bishop Reed - thank you.

Kindly see below.   This is not going to happen.  Put an end to it before something needs to be done to legally put an end to it.

It is of critical importance to nip this political and hostile attack on the free exercise of religion in the bud.   Massachusetts is the door of entry for the communists.  It is all coming out of the Kennedy school of government.

Once the church agrees to break laws that impose compromising civil liberties of their people in order to receive Sacraments, the door is opened for the hostile government control on Sacraments and the Church and our people.  It will be impossible to stop once they get the foot in the door.

There are all kinds of problems in Boston's see.  Here are a most immediate dangers:

1. We have Fr. Hehir working with the George Soros/Kennedy School of Government people - giving the store away.

2. We have Cardinal O'Malley who will avoid confrontation at all costs, even the salvation of our people, whose compassion is being manipulated by people with bad motives.

3. We do not have one bishop in the see in Massachusetts who will resist and give us the Sacraments in a time of persecution.

4. There is not one person in any Chancery in Massachusetts with any political or spiritual acumen with the ability to see the threats, let alone do what it takes to resist them.
5. Rampant heresy and the dictatorship of relativism causing blindness and diabolical disorientation.

We need a coadjutor and we need him immediately.  

It is no longer a situation where we can fix problems and errors as they arise and then let the same people remain in place to find another way to exercise the agenda.

We can't let our people fall to persecution when the condition of the episcopal see in Massachusetts is perfectly willing and ready to withhold Sacraments as we are persecuted.  

I have been doing God's work for a long time, but never has He gone before me to open doors in the ways He is doing in this project.   

I am telling you, in the Name of Christ,  that each of you must do what it takes to immediately to get a solid, faithful bishop with political acumen an courage into this see to resolve this problem and keep the wolves from our people.

In Christ, Carol McKinley

email to MA Catholic email group:

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wed, May 20, 2020 8:39 am
Subject: Yesterdays RCAB Carona Conference - One Remaining Concern

Good Morning,

I listened to yesterdays carona conference put on by the Archdiocese of Boston and there is one more problem that needs to be resolved.   See below email to the 'pandemic team'.

Other than this one remaining housecleaning item, there were no other concerns.  

I am reaching out to other MA diocese to confirm whether they have received similar instructions from the Department of Health.   

Expecting people with a sniffle, sneeze or cough stay inside their home - even if it comes from hayfever - is a perfectly reasonable expectation.

I have not encountered anyone in a supermarket or retail store with any kind of symptom.  I believe people are doing what is necessary to keep the public safe.  

If a person shows up at a retail store with a symptom, asking them to leave, encouraging them to call their doctor, cleaning the area - these are all rational and reasonable responses.

But the state is not requiring any other business open to the public to approach people to fill out personal information medical form to be turned over to state health official for tracking --so it is extremely suspicious they have asked church officials to do so.

Imagine the pandemonium if the Department of Health required every business open to the public to find people who are sniffling and do a medical intake for mandatory testing?  We would be getting emergency alerts on our phone every two minutes and be expected to quarantine every time we left the house.     

Aside from this violating HIPAA, every store would be shut back down by the state.

This is suspicious for a door they will use to shut churches back down.  

If you receive any instructions from your parish to do this, please reach out to me and provide materials and instructions. 

Thank you,

-----Original Message-----
To: <>; <>; Vicar_General; <>
Sent: Wed, May 20, 2020 6:46 am
Subject: Yesterday's RCAB Carona Conference - One Remaining Concern


Ms. Sullivan,

During yesterday's conference, you indicated church staff will be required to watch people in the pews and if anyone sniffles/coughs, they are  to be approached where church personnel has been instructed to fill out a form which will then be turned in to the Department of Health.

That is not going to happen.

Please direct me to the person who has given you these instructions.  

Thank you, Carol McKinley


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