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Boston Archdiocese Guidelines for Return of Sacraments - As Early as Saturday

Another miracle brought to you courtesy of St. John Paul II and St. Thomas Aquinas - be sure to thank them! Good afternoon, The following document is guidance for resuming Mass following Governor Baker's morning announcement regarding re-opening.  We understand cities and towns, such as the City of Boston, are implementing orders specific to their community. We will review this and the state orders tomorrow (May 19th) at the 1:00pm webinar. A reminder for the webinar will be send out this afternoon. Thank you. May 18, 2020 Archdiocese of Boston Plan for safely resuming Masses at the beginning of Phase One Governor Baker announced on Monday, May 18, that houses of worship can resume services, within the guidelines he has issued. When can we start Masses? If a parish within the Archdiocese of Boston, after careful and deliberate preparation, considers that they are able to meet all of the State, Municipal, and Ar

Boston's Vicar General Message of May 14, 2020

"Many and in fact most priests are anxious to get back to the work of salvation.  Sadly, for others, this is the best vacation they ever had and they are going to do everything they can to extend it.  By their fruits you shall know them.  There is a big push to promote watching them on television for an hour program on Sundays as an exciting new normal of Catholic practice." - Carol McKinley For reasons enumerated in my May 15th update , it will be interesting to see whether Governor Baker cuts Fr. Hehir and the recommendations of his  'pandemic team' loose.  In the meantime, do the bishops in Massachusetts expect Catholics to believe it takes them more than eight weeks to make a plan to clorox the pews, remove the hymnals and arrange seating conforming to social distancing requirements? How do they think they will survive the scrutiny of rational and honest people when their obfuscation is compared against the return of Sacraments all over the world?

May 29th Update

+ IHS What a gift  - Christ's Blood will again be available to many of us this weekend.   Deo gratias. Lots of local and national news that can be summarized with a few examples below.    The CDC now concedes that COVID is not contracted from surfaces, the fatality rate is close to 0.26% and is falling so rapidly the problem will likely be eradicated before a vaccine is needed.   We've learned many things in this crucible, but the most important lessons are, the government's attack on Christ's Church has begun, with few exceptions US see of bishops are either too craven to respond or are actively helping the government (Boston's see is the latter) and we have a lot of work ahead of us to be ready to prepare and respond. Many Catholics feel something extraordinary happening in the spiritual world and question whether if a full-blown government persecution and underground Church is around the corner.  Quite frankly, that is up to us and we really ca