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May 29th Update


What a gift  - Christ's Blood will again be available to many of us this weekend.   Deo gratias.

Lots of local and national news that can be summarized with a few examples below.   The CDC now concedes that COVID is not contracted from surfaces, the fatality rate is close to 0.26% and is falling so rapidly the problem will likely be eradicated before a vaccine is needed.   We've learned many things in this crucible, but the most important lessons are, the government's attack on Christ's Church has begun, with few exceptions US see of bishops are either too craven to respond or are actively helping the government (Boston's see is the latter) and we have a lot of work ahead of us to be ready to prepare and respond.

Many Catholics feel something extraordinary happening in the spiritual world and question whether if a full-blown government persecution and underground Church is around the corner.  Quite frankly, that is up to us and we really can't let that happen.    

There were only 8 bishops who were willing to say they are ready and willing to defy the government and give Sacraments to our people.     We are going to go a long time without Sacraments if 8 is the number and people will die in a state of mortal sin - which is not something we can passively and silently accept.

It is very important we face reality, we review history and truthfully acknowledge what is currently happening inside and outside of Christ's Church and be strategic.

I recommend reading Bishop Schneider's latest article, which encourages Catholics to respond to their baptismal call and renew Christ's Church.   

The reality of the Holy Father's active involvement in turning over Christ's Church and our people in China for communist persecution is an incredibly important development we must face.   I do not want to delve too much into Scriptural correlation to what is transpiring, a lot has led up to the current mystical execution of Christ's Mystical Body.  Nor do I make any judgment on the Holy Father's motives, but looking at Scripture and the words of the prophets, from the perspective of the spiritual world, the idolatry of the pachamama has likely set everything we are seeing into motion.    I recommend  Matthew 24.

I also recommend reading Cardinal Burke's latest message which references the current problems in the episcopal see and the outcome it has had upon the Church in China.

The enemies of the church did not expect the election of Donald Trump.  All the hoaxes have dissolved with truth.  Judging from what is taking place in the news, with COVID dissipating - the next attempt for a coup of the government is in race wars.  George Soros has brought in Somalian Islamists to Minnesota and they are leveraging righteous anger over George's murder to create civil unrest in the hopes of martial law.  Much fasting & prayer is needed.

And finally and most importantly to lay people, I recommend reading the latest message from Archbishop Viganò - Dictatorships arise because not enough voices oppose them.   Here is our mission.   

The Mystical Body of Christ follows Christ's three years and thus, it is inevitable that the government will overcome us.   We can and must stall it - because it is clear we are in no shape to passively let this happen now.   I am pleasantly surprised by the number of solid priests underneath the shipwreck of the current episcopal see. There are strongholds in every diocese. Our martyrs exist and are in the royal priesthood, converted, formed and called to vocation by our great Saint John Paul II.    We've got to stall this at the very least another 20 years for a time when they are elevated into the episcopal see.

It is not convoluted.  The simple mission begins right in your local parish.  We were silent too long and we let this get too far.   Courage is contagious.  The six bishops in Minnesota have started the ball rolling.   I was pleasantly surprised to see Bishop Lori of Baltimore follow their lead and free up Sacraments from government tyrants.   A month ago, Bishop Lori issued a statement revealing his own spiritual blindness, opining that the government is not threatening religious liberty.    Earlier this week, and no coincidence, Christ forced his hand holding his crozier, Howard County announced the reopening of restaurants and banned the reception of the Holy Eucharist.    We are getting a great deal of help from Christ and His communion of saints.  Folling Bishop Lori's response (which I assume was more than this statement),  “For the Catholic community, the reception of Communion is central to our faith lives and to our public worship,” said a statement from the archdiocese, released to CNA on Wednesday., county officials lifted the ban.

Over the last few days, the same problem has manifested itself in Massachusetts. 

The Somerville mayor has decided to test the constitutional waters to indefinitely limit church attendance to 10 people.    This is breaking news and we are just getting organized to plan strategy.  Responses may involve organizing to show up in parishes across Somerville, filling them to 40% capacity, alerting the press we are going to do it, and letting the chips fall where they may.    Unfortunately, we will not get help from Massachusetts Bishops.  This is something laity will have organize and pull off themselves.     This situation will need to percolate, so nothing will happen in the next week or so.   We will be reaching out to DOJ and attorneys and will keep you up to date. 

Here are a few examples of problems in the Boston Archdiocese parish level that need to be addressed.  

Most of them are in the form of bishops and priests who continue to push the bizarre canard that those of us who successfully adjusted our practices to safely manage potential contagion while going to work to keep a roof over our heads, feed ourselves, feed and serve our families, friends and neighbors, are simply too feeble-minded to practice the same safety and social distancing requirements inside of our parishes and thus, our incompetence is in urgent need of their intervention.

It is mind-boggling they have convinced themselves thinking Catholics will accept their delusions of grandeur.

  • The most egregious example in the Archdiocese of Boston is a pastor with an extensive list of people "exposed to COVID" whom he instructs  NOT TO (actually in caps on his website) present themselves for Sacraments in his parish.  When I reached out to the priest to explain the folly of his list would exclude from Sacraments everyone who has changed out of their pajamas to go to a grocery store or work, he told me that every other business has been instructed by the CDC to obstruct entry to this group and he was just following suit. Which is of course, not true.
  • Another Boston priest announced from his vacation home on Cape Cod that two weeks was simply not enough time to wipe down & tape off pews, remove hymnals.  Consequently, his parish will need to be shuttered for several more weeks. It's the best vacation he ever had!
  •  In a parish run by one of Boston's Bishops, Catholic women have been empowered to vindictively deny entry to daily Mass if they have not 'signed up',  even though there are hundreds of seats available.   The bishop is also denying entry to Catholics who are unable to wear a mask.   When I reached out to the parish, I was told these were orders from Cardinal O'Malley, which of course, is not true.   I personally reached out to the bishop and the response has been a big fat goose egg.  The problem continues.
Isn't it strange that bishops who go out of their way to tell us it would be a scandal to deny proabort Catholic politicians the Eucharist, or fly with a plane full of journalists to film themselves feeding people the Eucharist through a fence at the Mexican border, are the some of the same bishops now using asthma, age discrimination and vindictive punishments for not following farcical rules to deny healthy Catholics Sacraments?

Something from today's office readings says everything that needs to each of us called to respond to our baptismal call in this historic time in the history of the Church.

There are many deceivers about in the world, refusing to admit that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh. They are the Deceiver; they are the Antichrist. Watch yourselves, or all our work will be lost and not get the reward it deserves. If anybody does not keep within the teaching of Christ but goes beyond it, he cannot have God with him: only those who keep to what he taught can have the Father and the Son with them. If anyone comes to you bringing a different doctrine, you must not receive him in your house or even give him a greeting. To greet him would make you a partner in his wicked work.

I think it will come as a shock when they learn that their 'new normal' is, we are most certainly NOT 'all in this together'.

In Christ, cm


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